Central Education



All students attending Central Education are referred by Local Education Authorities. 

Students are admitted to the school between the ages of eleven and sixteen.  Once the child is referred to the school, a pupil with parents/guardian would be invited to visit the school, in order to ascertain the suitability from both parties.  They will have the opportunity to talk about the child's needs with the Principal, Senior Staff and Subject Teachers, and will be able to see all the facilities and discuss our aims and ways of working.  Further visits and taster days can be arranged prior to an offer or acceptance of a place. The authorities provide all relevant information regarding a referral for Central Education, to decide whether we will be able  to fulfil the needs, as highlighted in their EHCP.


Parents/Carers as Partners:


Everyone at Central Education is committed to a working partnership with parents and carers to do the best for each student.

 The parent/carers family remain the most important people in the lives of our students.  We hope that they will work with us to overcome any difficulties.  Everyone is invited to attend events such as presentations, parents’ meetings, and social events.

 The school will keep in contact with you on a regular basis by letter or telephone to discuss the successes or problems that may arise.  You are all welcome to telephone the school or visit at any reasonable time to discuss student progress.

 You are also invited to attend annual reviews relating to statement of special needs that have been set and discuss with staff the successes of the past year and targets for the future.

 In addition to the annual review and other communications, termly and annual reports are issued to all parents/carers.