Central Education

Carpentry and Joinery


This unit is designed to introduce learners to the hand tools, materials, personal protective equipment (PPE) and skills used in carpentry.

Learners will have the opportunity to produce a carpentry item.

Unit introduction Emphasis is placed on the correct selection and safe use of the appropriate tools and equipment required to carry out basic carpentry tasks. Learners will be given the opportunity to practice the basic techniques used in carpentry, and to use these techniques to construct a carpentry item. Although learners will work independently when constructing their carpentry item, they will also function as effective members of a team by contributing to the maintenance of a clean and tidy workshop, and by working responsibly with others. When preparing for work in the construction industry it is important that learners are able to seek and respond to guidance from colleagues and tutors during the learning process. This unit will help learners to develop an understanding of the personal qualities that are valued by employers.

This unit will give learners their first experience of the practical skills associated with the production of a basic carpentry item, together with any job knowledge required to underpin such practical skills. Learners must be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and practical skills through supervised workshop activities, group teaching and demonstrations of the theories, equipment and techniques involved. Learners will need to practice planing a piece of sawn timber, cutting and fixing a steel hinge, and also cutting beading or moulding using a mitre box. Tutors must demonstrate these skills and techniques. Learners will use the skills and techniques to produce the assessment work (a display item). Tutors may wish to use regularised timber for learners to plane for the assessment work. The unit content states that learners have to only plane timber and not prepare the timber completely. The most important requirement of the unit is that learners are given opportunities to practice carpentry techniques and procedures. To do this they must be able to recognise and select the tools, materials and PPE needed to work safely.

Tutors will, therefore, need to demonstrate correct selection and use of the appropriate hand tools, materials and PPE. They must also demonstrate the practical carpentry skills required and monitor learners’ performance as they practice their skills. Tutors should correct poor practice and commend good practice. Tutors must encourage learners to ask for help and advice when necessary and to maintain a clean and tidy workplace. They should encourage the reliable, positive and enthusiastic response to learning that employers value in prospective employees. Learners and tutors are encouraged to view the unit as a ‘taster’, in that it gives the learner an opportunity to experience the type of work involved in carpentry.


Emphasis is placed on the correct selection and safe use of the appropriate tools, materials and equipment required to carry out basic joinery tasks.

Learners will be given the opportunity to practice the wood-jointing techniques used to construct basic wood joints, and to use these techniques to construct a simple joinery item in an acceptable time. Although learners will work independently when constructing their joinery item, they will also function as effective members of a team by contributing to the maintenance of a clean and tidy workshop, and by working responsibly with others. When preparing for work in the construction industry it is important that learners are able to seek and respond to guidance from colleagues and teachers during the learning process. This unit will help learners to develop an understanding of the personal qualities that are valued by employers.

This unit will give learners their first experience of the practical skills associated with the production of a basic joinery item, together with the knowledge required to underpin such practical skills. Learners must be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and practical skills through supervised workshop activities, group teaching and demonstrations of the theories, equipment and techniques involved. Learners will need to practice marking out and cutting basic timber joints. Tutors must demonstrate these skills and techniques. Learners will use the skills and techniques to produce the assessment work (a stool). The most important requirement of the unit is that learners are given opportunities to practice joinery techniques and procedures. To do this they must be able to recognise and select the tools, materials and PPE needed to work safely. Tutors will, therefore, need to demonstrate correct selection and use of the appropriate hand tools, materials and PPE. They must also demonstrate the practical joinery skills required and monitor learners’ performance as they practice their skills. They must correct poor practice and commend good practice. Tutors must encourage the learners to ask for help and advice when necessary and to maintain a clean and tidy workplace. Tutors should encourage the reliable, positive and enthusiastic response to learning that employers value in prospective employees. Learners and tutors are encouraged to view the unit as a ‘taster’, in that it gives the learner an opportunity to experience the type of work involved in joinery.