Central Education


Central Education

At Central Education we firmly believe that communication is vital in to provide the best support for our pupil’s and families.

We are an open establishment, Parents/Guardians/ Agencies are encouraged to email, phone or visit at any agreed time.


At Central Education we strive to build strong relationships with parents/carers in order to support our pupils, their families and to ensure they feel safe and happy at school.


The importance of our students feeling included, having a voice, and being an integral part of their development is vital.

Our dedicated staff provide the ideal environment for this.

Each Student has a mentor who not only works closely with the student but also builds a productive professional relationship with Parent/Carers, offers support or act as a voice for the student in a formal setting where they may feel overwhelmed. The mentor will help remove any barriers to learning by working alongside the child, family and outside agencies to provide the best care, support, guidance and education specific to the individual needs of the child

Student Feedback

We have a number of Student Feedback and Self-Assessment Forms which will not only provide us with information we need to support the learner but will also encourage Self-Evaluation, engage the learner in the Teaching/Learning process, to grow as an individual and accept personal and collective responsibility.

Ways we foster relationships with our school community

Where appropriate, staff will contact a parent/carer via email, text message, or phone call to inform them of any specific issues relating to their child.

Parents/carers are able to call the main office or email their child’s tutor/mentor directly to ensure important information about their child is shared quickly.

Letters are sent home, and supported by a telephone call/text from the relevant pupils mentor and information is uploaded to our website to ensure our parents are fully aware of essential information, news and events

Work with local/national agencies and groups to ensure parents/carers are aware of and receive any relevant support or guidance


Parents/Carers of pupils are invited to the school to discuss their child’s progress and achievements as part of the Education Health Care Plan (Annual Review) meeting on an annual basis to ensure their needs are being met.

Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) meetings are organised and are held at the school. Relevant educational, health care professionals and parents/carers are invited to discuss the progress and needs of the child using a person-centred approach.

Additional parental/professionals, conversations and meetings are held to discuss issues and concerns. These can either be held at our site or an alternative site.

Whilst we appreciate the efforts made by parents/carers to attend planned reviews consultations and the ongoing support they provide for their child’s education. There may be occasions when the parent/carer are unable to attend. In these instances, we will endeavour to re-arrange the meeting. If this is not possible, staff/mentor will consult with parent/carer to ensure their views are heard and considered.

Dress Code

We do not have a school uniform but we do have a recommended dress code.

In keeping with our belief that we are seeking to develop a sense of personal responsibility in all our students we request that dress should be appropriate to the normal daily life of school, safe to the wearer and others and not likely to cause offence.

Students should not wear any clothes that contain slogans or logos that could cause offence. They should wear clothes that are appropriate for school ensuring that any tops reach easily down to their trousers or jeans. Short crop tops are not suitable for school. Trousers should be worn above the underwear. Skirt and shorts length should be appropriate for a professional, working environment.


Toast and drinks daily between 8:15-8.45
Snack and Drink 10:15-10.30
Lunches Monday-Friday 12-12.30
Provided at no Cost.

Should your Child prefer to bring in a packed lunch, that will be kept in our kitchen.

School Day

Our school opens daily at 8:15 for Breakfast.
Lessons 8.45-14:00
Mentor Time 14:00-14:15
Taxis  14:15 - 14.30